Furnace Parts and Motors
in Johnstown, PA
Need A Furnace Part? If We Don't Have It, We Offer 1-2 Day Delivery!
Meyers’ Plumbing & Heating Supply is proud to be your trusted furnace parts and supplies retailer in Johnstown and Somerset PA. For more information about our products, please call (814) 536-2387
Meyers’ Plumbing & Heating Supply - Quality, Performance And Reliability You Can Trust
Furnace Parts, Motors And Supplies for all types of heating systems.
We carry a complete stock of:
Furnace Bricks and Controls
Coal Stokers
Johnstown, PA, and Beyond Trust Our Furnace Motors and Supplies
For over 40 years, Meyers’ Supply has been associated with higher standards of indoor comfort. Proper maintenance and replacement of furnace motors provides customers with much-needed heating in and around Johnstown, PA. During the winter months in Central Pennsylvania, it is imperative to have a working heating system. Our furnace motors and supplies go a long way in providing that to all of our customers. For more information about our products and how they work, contact us today.
We Pride Ourselves on Providing Versatility Among Our Services
Meyers’ Plumbing & Heating Supply’s professional team brings vast experience to the office daily. This experience enhances our reputation as the area’s most trusted plumbing and heating supply company. In addition to furnace parts and motors we offer the following products to Johnstown, PA, and Somerset, PA residents.
Contact Meyers’ Plumbing & Heating Supply when you need furnace parts and motors in Johnstown, PA.